Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What If God Says No

One of the issues Christ followers struggle with is the fact that God does not always answer our prayers the way we want Him to. Sometimes that is because of sin in our lives. Sometimes it is because God has a better plan that we will see later. Sometimes we just don't know why God says no.

Am I able to believe that God is who He says He is even when I don't get what I want? Am I able to believe I am who God says I am even when He says no?

Too many times I forget that God is NOT my personal servant to do my bidding. I am HIS servant. Servants do not question the Master's directives. Servants do not second guess motives. Servants obey.

God has made a lot of promises to His children and I firmly believe He never breaks a promise. But how He fulfills those promises is up to Him, not me. So sometimes He will tell me no - or at least not now - when I ask something of Him. Sometimes the fulfillment of His promises is not for my life or this generation. That does not mean God is slow or weak or unloving or distant or unconcerned. It doesn't mean He is cruel or mean. It just means He's smarter than me and I need to accept His answer, even a no.

Jesus asked His Father if redemption could come any other way than the cross. God said no! So Jesus went willingly, beaten and humiliated by men, to be tortured on the Roman cross. He didn't complain or whine or back out. He just did what He was told.

I, too, must have the mind of Christ, to serve God no matter what, even through the "no's".

Sun Stand Still

I've just finished Steven Furtick's book, Sun Stand Still. The book just came out last week so it is brand, spankin' new. This is an amazing book about having audacious faith. As I read I was challenged to pray audacious prayers and to believe God to bring those prayers to fruition.

But as I have spent time thinking about my life and things that have been happening around me, I decided I have already been praying audacious prayers and seeing God move to answer them. I think especially of my son and his family. At one time they were far from God (as I had been as a young adult). They are now actively attending church, my son is back in school studying nursing, my grandson has given his heart to Jesus and was recently baptized. WOW! That is ONLY the grace of God and the work of His Spirit in their lives.

God has done so much for me personally throughout my life - even when I was living far from Him. Part of that, I believe, is the audacious prayers my mama prayed for me. I am so glad she lived long enough to see God answer her prayers for me as I have my prayers for my son.

I am still praying for my son. I am asking God to make him the best nurse around-to make him top in his field; to fill him with a desire to share Christ with those he encounters; to be willing to use his nursing skills locally or around the world as part of mission endeavors to touch the lives of the forgotten and the downtrodden.

For me personally, I want God to help me be generous with all that He has given me - in whatever form that takes - with the discernment to make wise use of God's resources. And that He would allow me to live in good health to see my great grandchildren as He did for my parents.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Answer is Jesus

One of the things Pastor P says frequently is if you're in church the correct answer to questions is Jesus. He is being facetiously serious - if there is such a concept.

In Revelation 1:4-6 I see that played out. John is sending greetings to the Church. Jesus is, Jesus was and Jesus is to come. Jesus is the faithful witness. Jesus is the firstborn of the dead. Jesus is the ruler of kings on earth. Jesus loves us. Jesus freed us from our sin by His blood. Jesus made us a kingdom of priests.

Too many times I get caught up in all the stuff of life and forget that Jesus is the answer. He is to be my focus. "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness..."

One of the most heart searching things I was reminded of recently by a radio preacher...one day I will stand before Almighty God to give an account of every word, every thought, every deed. My sins are paid for but my actions will be judged to see if they withstand the scrutiny of God's fire. All things that don't point to the kingdom of God will be burned up and only those things that DO point to the kingdom will remain. 

Am I living my life for the world and it's joys and pleasures, for the "applause" of man or for God's kingdom? Will I have anything that remains after all the useless, pointless stuff is burned away? When I am involved in relationships, vacations, family dinners, recreation, volunteering - all the stuff of life - am I building something that will last? Am I using those times, those relationships to pour Truth into lives? 

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, the Jew first and also the Greek. Romans 1:16 Lord God, help me to never, NEVER be ashamed - or fearful - to speak the name of Jesus because He is the ONLY answer for salvation.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

What a Great Day

I heard a preacher on the radio a few days ago who was preaching on money. He said in Matthew, Mark and Luke one in every 5 verses deals with money and Jesus told 26 parables and 15 are about money. Money is an important subject in the life of most Americans. We just never seem to have enough of it.

The current series Perry is preaching is The Blessed Life. He has been speaking about money for two weeks because Jesus spoke a lot about money. I just love my pastor. He is so unapologetic in the messages he brings to us. Because of that God spoke to me loudly through Perry's message and that makes it a GREAT day!!

Several things Perry said made an impact on me but the one that really got to me was being told over and over I was dead and now I am alive...all because of Jesus and God's great love for me. How can I not give back what God has so generously given to me? One thing I need to do is constantly remind myself that it is God's money. If He wants it back, I should give it to Him. He has promised to provide for all my needs - which He has done extravagantly for years and years!

Perry said we're careful with our money and he didn't mean in a good way. Since retiring and taking a huge cut in pay, I need to be frugal BUT...I don't need to be too careful. When God puts a ministry or a need on my heart, I don't want to second guess God or make excuses for not giving. I already give to NewSpring my tithe and offerings and give to other organizations but today I was convicted that I may not be generous enough with the financial blessings God has given me. I want God to show me how I can be more generous.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Sexual Purity

Most of the time when I think of sexual purity, I think of not having sex outside of marriage. But as I've been reading Ephesians 5:4-5, I've begun to think more about verbal sexual purity.

I have friends whose speech is always sprinkled with sexual innuendo. Or they tell sexy jokes - nothing truly filthy - but in my human, sinful mind they are funny and I laugh making myself agree with what is being said. Even on TV so much of what is said in comedy shows - the ones with real people and the ones that are cartoons - hinges on sex.

I don't have a problem when I get an email. If I start reading and decide it's not what I want to read, I just delete it and don't read all the way to the end. If I see or hear something on TV, I change the channel or turn it off. But when someone is speaking, especially in a group, I have trouble removing myself.

God's word says, "Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place..." How easy it is to laugh with the world at what the world laughs at. Instead I need to keep all that out of my mind, my heart, my speech.

I want my heart to be so pure, so holy that I will NOT laugh or even smile when I hear something that is sexually impure or immoral. I want to speak the truth (Ephesians 4:25) to these friends who claim to be Christ followers. Yet I don't want to be the person with the log in his eye trying to remove the speck from his friends eye. Hopefully, someone will speak truth to me about things they see in me that need to change.

After the Conference

I am so tired this morning. The opportunities to serve at the NewSpring Leadership Conference were amazing but exhausting. I think I realize my age more after I participate in something like this. I don't really like to focus on "I'm not as young as I once was" but that is a fact of life.

I talked to some great people who were blown away by the service they were getting from our volunteers. People were amazed not to have to get up to throw their trash away after lunch and dinner. They were in awe that great snacks were provided - as much as they wanted - between every session. One was surprised that we just gave him a new conference booklet after his wife misplaced hers (he thought he would have to buy it). They couldn't believe that cards we gave out at the end of the day were actually hand written.

All the follow-up twitter traffic I have seen has been VERY positive - best conference I have been to kind of positive. The speakers were awesome by everyone's account. I only got to listen to sporadic minutes here and there but what I heard was great.

I also got to see some people I know - a pastor from New Orleans, a female friend who is on the board of Fellowship of Christian Athletes and a guy on staff at FBC, Spartanburg. Plus I got to see the new set up for A Control, got a peak at the new Green Room, and arranged to get some training at the NewSpring, Greenville offices next week to do some volunteer work for Kevin and the production team.

In the days prior to the conference I got to go into the offices and laminate stuff and meet people I probably would not have met otherwise. I also saw the "creative" space where all the IT, web and video editing people work. Plus I got to speak to the one and only Perry Noble as he came in to say thank you to the volunteers who were putting packets together.

But what amazes me most is that God moved me from where I was to here. He had to do some serious tearing down to get me away from where I was. But since becoming submissive to His leadership, I have been blown away by all that He has allowed me to participate in. Our God is doing some AWESOME things in the lives of people and I get to see it and to help make it happen. That He would choose me...me! Who am I that He should choose me to be on His team, to see and do all that I get to do? Every time I think about it, I get tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Be Imitators of God

In Ephesians 5:1 Paul exhorts us to "be imitators of God". So what does that mean? How do I imitate God?

Paul starts this verse with "therefore" so I need to look back to see what leads up to that. The previous paragraph - starting at 4:25 - also begins with therefore so I go back even further to Ephesians 4:17. Now I am beginning to see what Paul is talking about.

The non-believers live in the futility of their minds, without understanding. I am to put off the old self with all the impurity of thought and action and to be renewed by the Spirit in my mind. Which is what he also said to the Romans.

So how do I get my mind renewed? It is the work of the Spirit as I read God's word. I can not be holy, faithful, truthful, loving, kind, giving, pure or any of the other traits of God's children without knowing how God would have me live. But, as Pastor P often says, I am to read my Bible not for information but for transformation.

I need to read asking and expecting the Holy Spirit to convict me of sin, to illuminate truth, to affirm what I am getting right, to change my way of thinking about God, about life, about people. Renewing my mind so that I have the mind of Christ.

Jesus said the greatest commandment is to love God and love people. If I do that, and it is impossible without the Spirit of God living in me, I will be an imitator of God. It's not the loving God that gives me problems, it's the loving people. They can be annoying and obnoxious!! Help me, Lord, to love people as You do. You loved people - me - even as we were pounding the nails into your flesh.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Leadership Conference

NewSpring Church is hosting a leadership conference this Thursday with some of the most influential leaders in the Church today...Jud Wilhite, Judah Smith, Mark Driscoll, Francis Chan, Steven Furtick, Rick Warren and our own Perry Noble.

I hope that I will be able to hear some of these guys during the day. I'm not familiar with Jud and Judah although I know their names. The rest of the men I know through their books or their blogs. These guys lead some of the most dynamic churches in America and have written some of the most read books.

I don't know yet where I will be serving but I do know it is going to be an exciting (but extremely tiring) day.  SO looking forward to it.

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Blessed Life

In yesterday's sermon from Perry at NewSpring, he was talking about the blessed life and how it is better to give than to receive. I believe that wholeheartedly. He also talked about not being able to out give God. I believe that wholeheartedly as well.

Perry told how he felt led to give someone $1000. He talked to his wife and then wrote the check. Later in the day he learned he had received a rebate check for $1348 so he made $348 off the deal. I know that happens but more money in my pocket may not be the end result of giving as God leads. Only in America do we equate blessing with cash. Getting more money back may or may not happen when I give as God directs.

I certainly don't believe that just because you are poor you will be more blessed by God. But in James we are told the those poor in the eyes of the world are often rich in faith. For those who love Jesus, being poor can be a blessing because they have to rely on Him rather than their money. One example of poverty in the Bible is the story of the widow's mite - she gave all that she had into the treasury of the church by giving two small coins. Jesus doesn't say she is more blessed than the rich people who gave lots of money but her story has been told for over 2000 years as an example of sacrificial giving. I have seen this lived out in Kenya!

By retiring I am taking a 42% cut in pay which actually puts me at poverty level - if I didn't have savings. I'm often asked if I have enough money in savings to live out my life and I always say I don't have a clue. I don't intend to get into my savings for daily expenses but I may give my savings away over time.

Even though I am at the poverty level financially, am I blessed? You betcha! I am breathing and walking around, I have friends, I have family, I have a home, I have food, I have a car, I have no debt except my house. God has given me opportunities to see life change in my family and in friends and acquaintances. My grandson has given his heart to Jesus. My son and his wife are becoming active in church. They are reading their Bibles and seeking to know God and how He would have them live. I wouldn't take a million bucks in exchange for those things. I truly am blessed beyond my wildest dreams!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Who Is God?

Lately I've been reading Isaiah 42-45 over and over trying to really absorb who God is.

He is Creator. He is Redeemer. He is the Holy One. He is the first and the last. He pours out His Spirit. He renews the earth with water. He wants me to believe and be His witness and His servant. He formed man to bring glory to God. There are no other gods. He knows what will happen before it happens. He goes with me through times of trouble. He is the Lord Almighty. He forms light and creates darkness. He brings prosperity and creates disaster. He does new things. He speaks with integrity. Before Him every knee will bow and every tongue will swear. He is King. He is with me so I do not need to fear. He triumphs over His enemies.

This is just a little of what these chapters contain about God. I am so glad He wants me to know who He is. He took the time to tell Isaiah and the people of Israel almost 3000 years ago this story of who He is knowing that I would also benefit from this telling.

All that He was to Israel in those days, He is to me right now. My God never changes and I can depend on Him to do and be all that He says.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Time Off

I just spent a wonderful weekend with some really good friends at a house at Lake Junaluska. Quite a mix of people and life stories and walks with Christ.

We always have a great time talking and laughing and catching up on everything that is happening in everyone's life. Everyone was either congratulatory or jealous of my retirement. I am excited about what the future holds.

One thing one of the ladies told me over and over is to not get myself over committed in the volunteering area. I
could seem to make her understand that I will do what God leads me to do. If that is one day a week, I will volunteer one day a week. If that is 5 days a week, I will volunteer 5 days a week. But I don't plan to commit too fast to too much so I can give God time to direct me.

I am planning to take the next week off as a vacation week - a time to just relax and refresh and do a lot of thinking about God and where He wants me to go and what He wants me to do. I am NOT planning to do lots of yard work or closet cleaning or other household chores during this time. I AM planning to do a lot of Bible study and book reading and exercising (we ate soooo much food this weekend!).

Retirement (meaning a life spent doing only what I want to do or doing nothing at all) is not a biblical concept. Just because I will no longer be someone's paid employee, I am not giving up on using the gifts God has given me. I must continue to serve and work and touch lives wherever He leads me.

As a paid employee I did what was required by the job I had and spoke Jesus into the lives of my coworkers as often as I could. As a retiree I will be free to pursue interests that God has put on my heart and still use the abilities He has given me and hopefully will speak Jesus into a lot more lives without the restraints of "work".