Tuesday, May 31, 2011


As I read through the Psalms, there is a lot of talk about enemies...the enemies of David or the enemies of Israel. For a long time I would sort of skip over the part about enemies thinking I don't have any real enemies. Not any people telling lies about me or trying to destroy me or coming at me with spears.

But then one day something clicked (don't you like it when God reveals something new to ya!) and I thought I DO have an enemy who is in fact telling lies about me and trying to destroy me and sends flaming arrows my way. His name is Satan or the devil or the evil one.

God tells me that Satan is a liar and the accuser of Christ followers. He also tells me Satan is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may destroy. This evil one also slings flaming darts at me.

So now when I read the Psalms I don't skim or skip over all the "beat up the enemy" stuff. Unlike David or the Israelites who were waiting on God to rout their enemies, God has already done that for me. I can read these passages knowing that my God has rescued me. His strength is sufficient. I am not waiting for some future event because my rescue has already occurred. Now I say thank You, Jesus, that You have already fought these battles for me. You have already defeated my greatest enemy. I am already victorious and do not have to fear the enemy because he has NO power over me.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Nothing Changes

Christians as a group seem to be at a loss when they are confronted by the sins of mankind. I don't know why we should think lost people would act any "better" in this day and age than in times past. Without Jesus Christ taking up residence in a person's life, nothing changes from generation to generation.

Granted there was a time in my childhood when there did not seem to be as much violence or perversion but that doesn't necessarily means it wasn't there. We just didn't hear about it as much or as often. The sins of man were not plastered all over the newspapers and the TV. There was no "Inside Edition" or "TMZ" to broadcast - in real time and living color - the downfall of Hollywood celebrities; no "live, breaking news" to tell us of the abuse of a child; no internet to entice us with instant anything.

But the Bible confirms for us that people never really change. Paul, in his writings in the first century after Jesus' resurrection, speaks of homosexuals, drunkards, murders, adulterers, prostitutes and other sins (like the acceptable church sin of gossip). You can go all the way back to Abraham, more than 2000 years before Jesus. The story of his nephew Lot is full of the perversions of men - and women. So much so that God sent His angels to save Lot before He destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. Or even further back than that to the days of Noah. Or even further back than that to the Garden of Eden when man and woman decided to do what THEY wanted instead of what God said.

The Bible is full of stories of greed and lying and lust and murder and adultery and idolatry. Real people, real sins. But contrary to the signs by one church that shout "God hates you", God's love for us is so great, so perfect, so intense that He made a way for us to break loose from the chains of sin. He made a way for us to be cleansed from ALL unrighteousness. That way is Jesus Christ. That way is the way of suffering. That way is the way of the cross.

We should be offended by the sins of mankind but that should remind us that we were once lost as well. It should fill us with a desire to tell the Good News as often as we can, to shout GOD LOVES YOU, not God hates you. Even if we don't carry a sign to a rally our attitudes and actions toward the lost will shout one or the other - love or hate.

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Over this Memorial Day weekend we are reminded again of the sacrifices military men and women have made through out the years as they fought battles all around the world to help keep us free. Their time and energy, their family life, and in some cases their bodies and their very lives have been given up to protect our shores and our way of life.

I am so thankful for those who take up the challenge to put themselves in harm's way. There have been times when the call to arms was mandatory but other times as in this day, those who go, go willingly and voluntarily. So a very special debt of gratitude goes out to them.

But life even in America can be a life of slavery and a life devoid of freedom for those who do not surrender to Jesus Christ. Americans rant and rave about their rights...the right to choose abortion, the right to marry someone of the same sex, the right to push and shove their way to the top, the right to live any way they want to.

Our country was founded with a Bill of Rights for the people. But none of those makes a person free. The Bible says that those who "do their own thing" are actually living in slavery to lust and greed and a whole host of sins. Just because someone doesn't recognize their behavior as sin doesn't make it any less so. And sin entangles us in a web that we can't break out of on our own.

It is only in the cross of Christ and faith in Jesus that I find true freedom. Freedom to live life in the glow of God's love, knowing that the Creator of the universe is my daddy, my "Abba, Father." Freedom to have all the hurts and fears and emptiness and loneliness and greed and lust and anger and despair and...whatever bad thing has a grip on me, replaced with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

FSKO 2011

My grandson got to go to his first FUSE Summer Kick Off on Wednesday night as part of the NewSpring student ministries. He is so pumped to be part of all that is happening there. This year was even bigger and better than last year!

More than 3100 students showed up - regular attenders and their friends - across 4 campuses and 469 of those were in Greenville. In all the fun and games and give aways, the message is always Jesus. NewSpring ALWAYS preaches the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Why else would anyone do anything through the church? Fun and games can be had in lots of places but only the Church has the message of Life. And new life was in abundance. Dan Lian preached from the prodigal son on God's love for us. One thing he said that stuck with me was if you could cut God's arm, He would bleed love. The visual I got was the spear piercing Jesus side as He hung on the cross and blood and water flowing out. "Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends."

I haven't seen the final numbers on salvations but I know it will be high. God is doing a mighty work in the lives of students all around South Carolina. I am so glad I am part of a church that places a high value on the next generation. If every kid that attends is impacted like my grandson, God will use the next generation in ways we can't even imagine now! And most exciting for me is to see what He does in the life of my grandson.

Do I Trust God?

"When I am afraid, I put my trust in You. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid." Psalm 56:3-4

Can I honestly say I trust God? It's easy to trust when life is good. But what about when life is falling apart; when life no longer seems to make sense?

When I lose my job. When my spouse leaves. When my mom dies. When my child gets arrested. When the doctor says "cancer". When a lie is told about me. When a friend repeats a confidence. When someone takes credit for something I did or places blame for something I didn't do.

In all the circumstances of life, I must trust God. That does not mean that my circumstances will suddenly get better. It doesn't mean all my problems will disappear. It doesn't mean life will be all sweetness and light.

It does mean that God will never leave me. It does means that I can have peace in the midst of turmoil. It does mean that I will grow in my faith. It does mean that I will learn obedience through the suffering. It does mean I don't have to be afraid of what tomorrow might bring.

I don't know many people today, including me, who "consider it pure joy" when tough times come as James said. Or who recognize that the "thorn in my flesh" is there to make me more like Christ in humbleness. But if I really believe God loves me; if I really believe God works in every situation for His glory and my best; if I really believe my home is not here on earth but in heaven with my true Father, maybe I COULD face anything with joy and thankfulness.

My pastor often says something like if you can trust God with your eternity, surely you can trust him with your here and now - with my health and finances and relationships and all the days I have left on this planet. We are told repeatedly in Matthew 6 not to worry. Easier said than done but when done, oh what peace floods my soul.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


As I was reading in Galatians this morning, Paul is reminding the people of Galatia that works of the law do not save. Even Peter was admonished by Paul when he behaved one way with the Gentiles but another when the Jews showed up. Wanted to live up to THEIR traditions!

Sometimes when I read those things I have a tendency to think why didn't they get it? Especially the Jews. But then I thought about the 1400 - 1500 years of the law that they had lived under and how hard it would be to give up all that tradition. Even though they had been looking for the Messiah, they didn't want a Messiah that actually changed their view of God or life or their position in society.

How like the church in America today! How many churches bicker over music styles or leadership styles or English translations of the Bible. How hard it is for some churches not to do things "the way we've always done them" even as the numbers in attendance dwindle. How cloaked in "holy huddles" are some churches that new people are not even wanted. How many churches steadfastly refuse to step into the 21st century by using technology to reach the next generation.

There is nothing wrong with traditions; we need to know our roots. And there is no gospel to preach except Jesus Christ, crucified and raised from the dead. But if we hold to our irrelevant traditions at the expense of reaching a dying world with the love and saving grace of Jesus Christ, I do not believe we will hear "Well, done" when we stand before Him one day. Jesus turned the religious world on its head 2000 years ago and I see Him still working that way today.

Nate's Graduation

Well, an era has passed in Spartanburg City Schools. Nate is part of the last 6th grade at Pine Street School as the city school district changes the way they've always done school. Beginning next year District 7 will move 6th graders to the Junior High/Middle School level and shift 9th graders to the high school.

His graduation ceremony was long to say the least. I actually left before it ended having been there for 2 hours - for 6th graders!! There were awards in 7 different categories and one teacher, visual arts I think, gave out so many, I wondered if there was anyone who didn't get an award. Well, Nate didn't but that's OK.

The guest speaker was the football coach at the local college. He was great. He kept everyone's attention and had the kids participating in what he was saying. What struck a chord with me was his story of himself as a young man in Ohio working as a garbage collector. Although he didn't intend to always be a garbage man, he had plans and dreams, he was the best garbage man he could be. One day in a neighborhood on his route all the garbage cans had been knocked over. He picked up all the trash that had been scattered and put it in the hopper of the truck. Then he heard a crack and was struck by something. When he turned around he saw a boy, about 12 or 13, pulling a gun back in the window of his house. The police were called because the boy had shot him with a pellet gun. Mike, the coach, didn't press charges but wanted to know why the boy shot him. The boy said, "He's only a garbage man."

I thought about the times Nate had been upset because kids at his school made fun of him because his clothes weren't the right label or because of the brand of skateboard he had or because he didn't have a cell phone as a 2nd grader or because he doesn't have a Nook or an iPad or an iPhone now. The saddest part to me is the kids learn to consider what you have to be more important than who you are from their parents.

The coach went on to talk about what's inside is more important than how you look on the outside. He talked about God given gifts and talents and blessings on his life from his Savior. I wanted to stand up and cheer!

Nate didn't get any awards, any pieces of paper, to say his teachers think he's special but that doesn't mean he's not special. Parents told his dad after a trip to Barrier Island a couple of months ago that Nate was one of the nicest kids on the trip, always polite, always going out of his way to include those who were not being included. His small group leader at church told me yesterday that Nate is the neatest kid he knows; he has a maturity and understanding of God's word and a hunger to know God that the other kids in the group don't have.

Nate's got plenty of stuff, just not the stuff that matters to his school mates. He might not have any awards for a scrapbook. But I would much, much, much rather Nate have character built on the word of God. I am so proud of Nate and can't wait to see what God has in store for him!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Bring Your Tithe

Last Sunday Robert Morris was with us again at NewSpring as he continued his teaching on tithing and firstfruits. One of the comments he made that I had not thought about was the difference in bringing the tithe and giving the tithe. In the 9 or 10 references in the Old Testament to tithing, the term is always bring.

Why is that important? Because the tithe is returning to God what is rightfully His. You can't "give" someone something that already belongs to him. Lots of people quibble over the tithe and in fact most who claim to be Christian do not give bring anywhere near a tenth of their gross income back to God.

As I was reading Psalm 50 this morning I came across, "For every beast of the forest is Mine, the cattle on a thousand hills..." God owns everything! And if I have accepted His Son, Jesus Christ, as my Lord and my Savior, God owns me.

My brother had a chronic illness for 20 years. The last 2 years of his life he was on disability but he still tithed. The disability was not enough to pay his bills anyway and he was so thankful that God allowed him to live for 20 years when he'd been told by the doctors he'd live 3 to 5. All during those last two years, God stirred the hearts of friends and fellow believers and just when the mortgage or the power bill or something was due, a check would show up in his mailbox. God was ALWAYS faithful to take care of my brother's financial needs.

Tithing is not about money; it is all about thankfulness. It's a matter of the heart. I tithe because I recognize that God supplies it all - money, life, health, family, home - EVERYTHING I am or have is because of God. The last verse of Psalm 50 states, "The one who offers thanksgiving as his sacrifice glorifies me; to one who orders his way rightly, I will show the salvation of God!"

Monday, May 23, 2011

When Tough Times Come

Isaiah 43 is full of important truths about God and my relationship with Him. I could read this chapter over and over again. But this morning I was again reminded that tough times come to all of us.

In verses 2 & 3 God says "WHEN you pass through the waters...WHEN you walk through fire..." There is not an IF here. It is pretty much guaranteed that at some point in our lives we will face a situation that seems overwhelming. It may be the death of someone near and dear to us, a critical illness - maybe even a terminal illness, perhaps a wayward child or an unfaithful spouse, a job loss, bankruptcy, a natural disaster that destroys all our earthly possessions. Something will come along that knocks us for a loop.

So how do I cope when those tough times come? By remembering that God said, "I will be with you, they shall not overwhelm you...you shall not be burned."

But first I have to have an ongoing relationship with God through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ. Then I will have the power of the Holy Spirit residing within me. (Ezekiel 11:19, John 6:63, John 14:26, Romans 15:13)  I also need to know who God says He is and what He says He will do in order to believe that He will do what He says He will do. That only comes through immersing myself in His word over and over again.

I should not just call on God when I'm in turmoil and expect Him to jump at my command. I need to be in a loving, worshiping relationship with Him day by day by day. Then I can call on Him and know that "...in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world." John 16:33

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Where Is Your God?

All of us at some time have asked where are You, God. We have been in the midst of a crisis and need God to show up RIGHT NOW! But God doesn't work on our timetable nor does He see things the way we see them.

It's at times of crisis that we often fail to remember, or maybe believe, that God said He would never leave us. Our problem at such times is that we know what we want the outcome to be. We know what we want God to do. We know when we want God to do it.

Often we will turn away from God, but He is trying to draw us to Him. We get disappointed in God when He doesn't meet our demands or respond to our pleas for help. We think He's unfair or distant or uncaring but perhaps He is asking us to confess sin or to trust Him completely or to just let go of something.

In Psalm 42 we see a lament - "My tears have been my food day and night while they say to me all the day long, 'Where is your God?'" and "As with a deadly wound in my bones, my adversaries taunt me, while they say to me all the day long, 'Where is you God?" 

The thing I like so much about the Psalms is they don't stay in the lament. In both Psalm 42 & 43, we read "Why are you cast down, O my soul; and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him, my salvation and my God."

Where is your God? He is right where He's always been saying to His children, "fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10

Friday, May 20, 2011

The End of the World

Someone has once again predicted the day and the hour of the end of the world. "Christians" in every generation believe they have it all figured out and they make a big to-do about the world coming to an end. This latest guy uses the Bible to supposedly give him the information. He must have failed to read Matthew 24:36.

What I found interesting was the response to reporters on the part of some who were randomly interviewed for their opinion. One woman was actually angry. A young man thought it was ludicrous. So many people are caught up in their own world that they can't even imagine not being able to live out their life to their satisfaction. That's really so sad but it means that the Church still has a lot of people to reach with the truth of Jesus Christ.

I also read a tweet about the "nut-job" who is giving Christians a bad name, making all Christians look foolish. And it made me wonder how Muslim's feel when the radical extremists commit some horrible act bringing death and destruction and Americans, including many Christians, lump them all together as murders or terrorists.

I was made to think of my own attitudes and whether I am willing to pray for the enemies of Christ and the enemies of America. It's real easy to hate just as they do, to ridicule the crazies, but as a follower of Jesus Christ I am to have a different attitude. Are my words, my actions, my thoughts toward those who are so filled with confusion or hate, pleasing to God and glorifying of my Lord?

From the cross Jesus forgave those who killed Him because He knew they didn't know what they were doing. Jesus died while ALL of us were still sinners. And He commissioned His followers to "go therefore and make disciples of ALL nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age." Matthew 28:19-20 (my emphasis) Last time I checked "all" means all, everyone, every nation.

Kinda hard to make disciples of people I hate or ridicule. Love is hard but it's what I am supposed to do.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Taste and See

"Taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him! Oh, fear the Lord, you His saints, for those who fear Him have no lack! Psalm 34:8-9

I've just finished re-reading "The Blessed Life" by Robert Morris. This Pastor was at NewSpring on Sunday and books were given out to each family. I already had one but had just gotten it out and started reading it again on Friday - without knowing this would be the subject of Sunday's message.

As I read the verses above, I was struck by the "blessed life" message it contains. "Taste and see" is a lot like the admonition of God to "put Me to the test" in Malachi when He talks about the importance of tithing. And in both passages those who do things God's way will have no lack.

Sometimes I have been slow to trust God. But usually that is because I want things to turn out a certain way and that just may not be what God wants at all. I once owned a business that needed a miraculous touch of money to be able to continue well into the 21st century. God didn't "fix" my business so I closed the doors. That was the real turning point in my life of faith. When I had nothing, God came through for me in ways I could not even imagine. Money came in at just the right time - sometimes at the deadline - to meet my financial obligations, new jobs were provided, new friends were made, new skills were learned, and eventually I was led to NewSpring Church.

Sometimes I think getting me to NewSpring was the ultimate plan behind closing the business. I, of course, could not see that then. It was 4 years between these two events in my life but now I wouldn't go back for anything. Every ounce of fear, every minute of prayer, every word of the Bible I read during my struggle to "taste and see that the Lord is good" was worth it.

To finally get to the place of being able to say, God You're bigger, smarter, more able than me so let's do things Your way, was life changing. I now thank God for taking me through those tough times. Taste and see for the Lord is ALWAYS good!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Stubborn Children

"Ah, stubborn children," declares the Lord, "who carry out a plan, but not Mine, and who make an alliance, but not of My Spirit, that they may add sin to sin, who set out to go down to Egypt, without asking for My direction" Isaiah 30:1-2

How like the Israelites of old are many of us Christians today! We are often stubborn children who go our own way without seeking God's direction for the decisions of life.

Now I may be wrong but I don't think God wants to micromanage my life by expecting me to ask Him what to wear today or what kind of coffee to buy or even which restaurant to choose for lunch. But I do believe that if I am in a constant awareness of His presence, the thoughts that come to me about the little things of life probably are His direction and may even lead to divine appointments.

Some things I just know to do - or not do - from reading God's word. I already know how He expects me to respond in a particular situation because His word is clear about what He expects about my relationships with the opposite sex and people in general and money and my time - that sort of thing.

Even in the big decision, God has given some pretty clear instructions. The kind of car I buy is dictated by God's teaching on money and my attitude (pride, lust, greed) about why I want a particular car. But I have been a stubborn child at times who made plans, spent money, did something that went against God's principles or later realized if I had just asked God first, He probably would have said NO! and saved me a lot of trouble because Father knows best - always!

And stubborn children have to be disciplined to bring them into alignment with the house rules. Father's who love their children will try to teach them right thinking and right behavior. God's discipline is always out of love and should bring godly sorrow, repentance and righteousness. The older I get, however, the more I'm learning it's better not to be a stubborn child in the first place.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

How Honest Is My Worship?

A few weeks ago I was having a Wednesday night ride home from FUSE conversation with my grandson. He was excited about the music and the message of the evening. One thing led to another and we began to talk about worship.

I asked him if he knew why people raise their hands in worship - usually music but also in prayer. He said he didn't have any idea. So I raised both my hands and said if you saw someone not in church do this what would you think. He said, "Surrender...Oh!" So we talked about complete surrender to Christ as true worship.

Today as I was reading in Isaiah 29, I was made to think again about true worship. Do I just go through the motions or is my heart really surrendered? Does my lifestyle line up with biblical teachings or am I a "secret" sinner? Am I putting on a show for man or do I deeply love - and submit to - the Lord?

It is always good to take stock of where I am with Jesus. It is so easy to get into habits of action that they no longer have any heart or meaning to them. I don't want Bible reading to be habit I must complete each day like taking a vitamin or going for a walk. I want my heart to long to be in God's presence.

I don't want going to church to be the right thing to do on Sunday. I want to go to submit myself to the authority of the Church and to Jesus through the teaching and preaching of God's word.

I don't want music to become my only form of worship or raising my hands a sign of my spirituality but an opportunity for me to affirm to God and to myself that the words being sung are part of my heart and my deepest beliefs.

I don't want to worship just on Sunday at church but through every aspect of my life, every day of the week. I want to be a true worshiper!

Be Careful What You Pray For

God is in the habit of answering our prayers. Aren't you glad! A lot of times we might not recognize that answer especially when we are praying for our own character to be changed. Why? Because God often answers our prayers by presenting us with difficult people or circumstances to make us like we asked to be.

We pray for patience and then are confronted by demanding people.
We pray to be more loving and the most unlovable people enter our lives.
We pray to be generous and suddenly there are all these needs we know about.
We pray for more faith and we lose our job or the stock market tanks or we - or our child - get critically ill.
We pray to be more obedient and suffering comes, which is how Jesus learned obedience.
We pray to be more Christ-like and we are asked to clean toilets or sweep floors rather than some more "important" task. Think Jesus washing the disciples feet.

Why does God do this? Because it is through the trials, the hardships, the opportunities that we are able to build the character qualities we asked for. God knows becoming more like Christ is through experience. If we really want to be like Christ we will recognize God's teaching, changing purposes and accept the trials of life - even if we didn't pray for them.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

One Thing

King David was called a man after God's own heart. He was a great king but he was not a perfect man. He had some anger issues (or might have been pride) and lust (which led to adultery) and fear of man (because he didn't want his sin known) and murder.

Yet for all this his relationship with God was pretty amazing. The prayers and songs he wrote that we have collected as part of the Psalms are some of the most beautiful praise songs and statements of faith anywhere. In Psalm 27:4 he writes: "One thing I have asked of the Lord, that I will seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in His temple."

David is not asking to live in the temple because we know that he built a magnificent palace for himself. David is asking God to give him a heart that longs for the Lord so that he might know God in a very personal way. In verse 8 of this same Psalm, David writes, "You have said, 'Seek my face.' My heart says to You, 'Your face, Lord, do I seek.'"

Too often we think those we read about in the Bible were not ordinary men and women but they were. None of them were perfect but what they did have, as David did, was a desire to know God - not just know about God. Some situations in the Bible were unique, one time instances and some of the promises are just for Israel, but God did not give us the Bible to taunt us by showing us what He used to do. He gives us these examples of His love and faithfulness and power and relationship with man to show us what He wants to do in us and for us and through us as well.

God said David is "a man after my own heart, who will do all my will." One life, my life, surrendered to Christ and constantly seeking Him is not perfect but it is a life God can use to change the lives of others because that one will know and do the will of God.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

No More Death

"He will swallow up death forever; and the Lord God will wipe away tears from all faces." Isaiah 25:8
"He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away." Revelation 21:4

Isn't it great that God never changes!! What He said to Isaiah in the late 700's BC, He said again to the apostle John around 95 AD.

This is one of those promises I really look forward to. I can hardly wait nor can I hardly imagine. The new Jerusalem, the new earth with Christ as Lord and King and everything is perfect just like it was in the beginning when God first created it all. And it will be so for eternity...which is another thing I just can't wrap my mind around.

Life now is so short. Death assails us on all sides whether from old age or disasters or illness. We suffer and hurt and weep for ourselves and those we love and those unsuspecting caught by the consequences of a sinful world. But one day...ONE DAY...everything will be made new. Everything will be made right. And God Himself will wipe the tears from our eyes. What a glorious day that will be.

"Lift up your heads, O gates! And be lifted up, O ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle! Lift up your heads, O gates! And lift them up, O ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, He is the King of glory!" Psalm 24:7-10

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

In That Day

As I am reading through Isaiah, I've run across the phrase "in that day" over and over. I have not read any commentaries or studied any ancient history to know if the prophecies for "that day" have already happened or are still to take place. But to me that is not important.

What is important is "...the purpose that the Lord of hosts has purposed against them," and "...what I have heard from the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, I announce to you," and "For the Lord of hosts has a day...", and "But you did not look to Him who did it, or see Him who planned it long ago." and "...for the Lord has spoken" and "The Lord of hosts has purposed it," and "...the Lord has given command concerning Canaan..." and "for the Lord has spoken this word." All of these are found in Chapters 18 -24.

Over and over again, Isaiah declares the word of the Lord. And what was true thousands of years ago is still true today. God has plans for this world and the people who live here. He has purposes that are accomplished just because He wants them to be accomplished whether we get on board with Him or not.

An illustration I read once that helped me understand this was about a cruise ship on the way to England. While on the ship I am free to go anywhere and do anything. I can wander the decks, play in the play areas, eat lavishly or just a little, sleep a lot or not at all. I can go to shows and casinos and bars and swimming pools and dances. I can be with friends or be alone. God's purpose is like the purpose of the ship...no matter what I do while on board, the ship is still going to England. No matter how I respond to God, God is still going to accomplish His will, His purpose, for this planet and the people on it.

I just want to be on board with God to be a help in accomplishing His purpose and not a hindrance.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day

We had a great day at NewSpring yesterday. In years past we have given away houses and cars and college scholarships to single moms of all ages and life situations. This year was different.

This year Perry wanted to honor his mom. She died of cancer when he was 12 but believes that her prayers and her influence are part of the reason he is following Jesus and leading a great church today. (He even wore a suit and tie and preached from her "King Jimmy" Bible.)

I can certainly identify with that. I wandered in the desert as a prodigal for 18 long years. My mom always prayed for me - and told me so. But I was running so hard from God that I would tell her not to waste her time. How grateful I am that she didn't listen to me. I am absolutely convinced that the prayers of my mom played a huge roll in my eventual repentance and surrender to Jesus as Lord.

Now my own son, who followed in my footsteps as a prodigal, is on his journey with Jesus. I have prayed for him over the years and now I pray that his children will not take the path of rebellion but will always walk with Jesus.

My family, including extended family, had a long history of walking with God - until I came along. I want this cycle to come to an end. I started it and Jeremy followed it but Nate and Arabella don't have to. I pray for them to walk faithfully with Jesus, to confess and repent of their sins promptly, to do the right thing even when it is hard, to maintain their sexual purity, to grow in favor with God and man.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Isaiah 12

1You will say in that day:
"I will give thanks to you, O LORD,
   for though you were angry with me,
   your anger turned away,
   that you might comfort me.
2"Behold, God is my salvation;
   I will trust, and will not be afraid;
   for the LORD GOD is my strength and my song,
   and he has become my salvation."
3 With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.

 4 And you will say in that day:
"Give thanks to the LORD,
   call upon his name,
   make known his deeds among the peoples,
   proclaim that his name is exalted.
5 "Sing praises to the LORD, for he has done gloriously;
   let this be made known in all the earth.
Shout, and sing for joy, O inhabitant of Zion,
   for great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel."

The Apple of Your Eye

When I read this phrase today in Psalm 17:8 I began to think about what it means. I've heard the phrase he/she is the apple of my eye throughout my life. This saying has always meant to me that the person holds a special place in the life and thoughts of the speaker. It is an expression of love.

This term is used 4 or 5 times in the Old Testament so I decided it was time to look it up. The Hebrew can be translated literally as "Little Man of the Eye" signifying the image, or reflection, of oneself seen in the pupil of another. When I read that I thought that means you have to be pretty much face to face with someone for that "little man" to be there. That conjured up images of God looking at me face to face as I look into His face. I know I can't physically see Him, but He sure can see me! And He loves me!

But another thing I read was the apple of the eye is the iris and to touch it would be painful so it is protected by the eyelid. The imagery here is we - God's children - are the apple of God's eye and He is the eyelid that protects us. I like that too!

God loves me so much He wants us to draw so close together that my life is reflected in His eyes and because I am His child, He wants to protect me from the evil one who would desire to destroy me. Thank You!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

If You Are Not Firm in Faith...

...you will not be firm at all. (Isaiah 7:9)

Just prior to this statement by God through the prophet Isaiah to King Ahaz of Judah, the "heart of Ahaz and the heart of his people shook as the trees of the forest shake before the wind" (vs.2) because they learned that Ephraim and Syria were in league against them and planning to overtake Judah. But God said it's not going to happen.

But sometimes stuff does happen, my heart does shake, I do have fear. The job loss, the illness, the move, the betrayal, the divorce. God still says if you are not firm in faith you will not be firm at all. Do I only believe God is active in my life when all is going according to MY plan? Do I have the faith to believe God is in control when my world is out of control?

Some might say but I don't have a prophet, an Isaiah, to tell me what God says. What I have is even better! I have Jesus and the Holy Spirit and the Bible. Do I know what they say? Do I believe what they say?

"The Lord is a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. And those who know Your name put their trust in You, for You, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek You." (Psalm 9:9-10)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

How Majestic

Today I read Psalm 8 and Isaiah 6 and thought what perfect companion readings.

Verse 1 of Psalm 8 always put that praise chorus by Michael W Smith in my head but aside from that it also reminds me man is a very tiny creature in God's vast universe. David even says "what is man that You are mindful of him" (vs.4). He continues, though, with the proper order of things reminding us that man IS special and different from the rest of creation. We are not to worship God's creation but to rule over it.

Ruling requires a certain stewardship over creation, a certain care but it also means the life of an child, even unborn, is more precious than the life of a whale or any other animal. Often those who seem to care the most about the creatures of this earth will also be the loudest promoters of a woman's right to choose abortion to end the life of her child.

How backwards we get things at times. The majesty of God is seen in the works of creation from His hands but man is the creature "crowned with glory and honor."

Isaiah's view of the majesty of God is not in creation but in the Lord Himself. "In the year King Uzziah died I saw the Lord, sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the temple." (vs.1) He goes on to describe the scene in the throne room of God with the seraphim singing "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory." (vs.3)

From seeing creation, David sang, "O Lord, our Lord how majestic is Your name in all the earth!" From seeing God, Isaiah cried, "Woe is me!" He recognized he was a sinner living among a sinful people and unworthy to be in the presence of God. Both of these responses are proper and should be part of my worship of God.

But what I find so great about Isaiah's case, when he recognized and confessed his sin, God immediately sent one of the seraphim with a hot coal from the altar to touch Isaiah and cleanse him from his sin. Our great and majestic God, Creator of ALL things, does not want to leave us in our state of sin, our state of despair. He pours out His perfect love, through the blood of Jesus, to redeem mankind, not for our sake but for His glory.

After taking away Isaiah's sin, the Lord asks, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?" Isaiah immediately responds, "Here am I! Send me." When confronted with the true majesty of God, we should be ready to go wherever He wants us to go - even if it's just across the street - to share His message of love, hope and salvation.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Woe to the Wicked

As I was reading Isaiah 5 this morning, I ran across 6 "woes" God delivered to the people of Israel through the prophet. I immediately thought of the 7 "woes" Jesus spoke to the scribes and Pharisees in Matthew 23. In both cases, God is calling attention to the sin and hypocrisy of the people.

The first thing I thought was do I really know what woe means. It's not a word that is used much in my hearing but I think of it as an expression of sadness as in "woe is me". I've always thought it is an exclamation of condemnation in the Bible. When I looked it up I found that it is an exclamation of distress, grief or sorrow.

So that made me think about not only the distress, grief or sorrow that would come upon those who are the object of the "woe" but also of the distress, grief and sorrow that God feels because of my sin. Later in Isaiah, Jesus is called a man of sorrows. We know he was grieved by Jerusalem because of her unwillingness to believe in Him.

And that led to me think again about Psalm 139:23-24 that we are praying through this week as a church. What in my life is causing distress, grief or sorrow to my Savior? How is my life not measuring up to the "be holy for I am holy" command of God? How am I crucifying Jesus all over again with my sin?

With the happenings of the last few days, I also thought of the death of Osama bin Laden. So many are rejoicing at the death of this evil man who was meted out the justice he deserved. But he, too, was a man created in the image of God. He, too, was a man for whom Jesus died. Is my sin any worse? Did the nails from my sin hurt Jesus any less?

Oh, how thankful I am that I am covered by the righteousness of Christ!

Monday, May 2, 2011


We are currently in the More series based on Ephesians 3:20Perry's desire is for all of us at NewSpring Church to experience the "more" that God has for us. So Perry issued a challenge to us yesterday after he gave us a little formula: conviction + repentance = breakthrough. He is encouraging us to align ourselves with God; to become true followers of Jesus Christ. His challenge was for each of us to read and pray through Psalm 139:23-24 every day this week.

There are lots of action verbs in this prayer of David. "Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!"

If I ask God to show me my sins, He most certainly will which should lead to conviction - a recognition that God's knowledge of me is correct and my ways are grievous to Him. The result of conviction should be repentance as, by the power of the Holy Spirit, I give up and turn away from sins I am committing OR turn toward things I should be doing. Whether I am doing something He clearly said don't do or I'm NOT doing something He has clearly said He wants me to do, I am living a life of sin.

Too often I want to go along through life just as I always have. But God is able to do MORE than I can think or imagine, according to HIS power that is at work IN me. He wants to do more in me, through me and for me than I can ever imagine. Until I am obedient in this area, God won't move on to that area even though His desire is to do more. But to have the opportunity to do more, I have to ask God to search me, try me, and lead me and when I truly follow, I will have the breakthrough to more.