Wednesday, November 21, 2012


I am so glad God is in the details of life. He is a "big picture" God seeing all creation and all time as a whole. He knows when and how and where things did and will happen and when the universe will reach its conclusion. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. But He is also a God of incredible detail.

When God gave directions to Moses for the tabernacle and the furnishings, He supplied lots of detail. God didn't just say make some curtains for the walls but told him the material to use, the number of curtains and their size, and how many hanging loops to put on them. He did that for every aspect of the tabernacle.

That's important to me because I am only one person in a world with seven billion or so people. I am a "detail" in a mass of humanity. In Psalm 139, David tells us of God's design and purpose and knowledge of who we are individually. Jesus said, "...the hairs of your head are all numbered" as He is telling His followers how much God cares for them. (Matthew 10:30)

The instructions God gave to Moses for building the temple give me a glimpse of just how much God cares about His dwelling place. As a follower of Jesus Christ, the Spirit of God dwells in me. (1 Corinthians 3:16). If He cared so much about all the little details of this tabernacle of perishable materials made by the hands of men, how much more does He care about the details of my life and this temple fashioned by His own hands?!

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