Tuesday, September 25, 2012


When I read the story of Noah in Genesis 6-8, I marvel at Noah's perseverence. I don't think we know how long it actually took Noah to build the ark. We do know he was 500+ years old when his sons were born and he was 600 when the flood came. So we know he was old and and we know he built a boat.

Josephus tells us Noah was actually the ruler of the people and was distressed at their wickedness. So it is very doubtful any of his people helped him unless, perhaps, his sons helped with the building. We know they and their wives were rescued by God in the ark.

But think about it. Here is Noah, and maybe his three sons, building a boat about 450 feet long, 75 feet wide and 45 feet high with a roof and three decks and then covering the inside all over with a tar like substance to make it waterproof. 

This is probably the early bronze age of our existence. Not too much sophistication in tools and transportation I imagine. The work he had to do before he could even start building would be daunting and enough reason for most people to give up. The logistics for getting the wood, making the proper tools, getting the tar seem to me to be overwhelming. No local Home Depot where a quick trip can supply all you need. You need it, you probably have to make it yourself. No big super duty truck to haul things. So this project took years, and more years.

The Bible says, "Noah...did all that God commanded him." Genesis 6:22 There is nothing recorded in the Bible to indicate God kept coming back saying, "Good job, Noah." or "Proud of you, Noah." or "You're my main man, Noah." The Bible just tells us God gave Noah instructions, Noah did what God asked of him - no matter how long it took to complete, and God sent the flood.

How un-like us that is. We want it today. Answer my prayer today, God. I need to know where You're leading me, God. I can't give you so much time, God. I'm tired of doing the same thing day after day, God. We often don't have the perseverance to keep at something year after year after year even when God asks us to do it and especially when there seems to be no end in sight.

I'm so glad Jesus persevered all the way to the cross. I'm so glad He was willing to obey God even though there was pain and suffering and death in His earthly future. The apostle Paul tells us in Romans 5:4 that perseverance produces character. Character is who we are and what we do when nobody sees us but God. Perseverance...we all probably need a little more of that in our lives.

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