Sunday, March 7, 2010

What Does My Wallet Say About My Worship

Perry preached HARD about money today at NewSpring. Based on things Perry says every time he preaches on money, lots of people really don't like for him to talk about money.

I do like it though. It is always a good reminder for me to refocus on my budget, on my giving, on my heart. After all, as Perry said, how I give and how I view money, is really a heart issue. It's all about my relationship with Jesus and whether or not I believe what the Bible says.

Perry gave us LOTS of verses today and pretty much, in my mind, demolished every excuse people use not to give. I am as generous as I know how to be and am praying for God to show me how to be more generous. Has my giving generously caused me to be on "easy street" financially? No, but God comes through again and again. He paid all my bills 6 years ago when I had no job. Then He got me a job - actually 3 of them in succession. I got a raise in the midst of a recession. I got a Christmas bonus to replace my Christmas gift to the Church. I have a home with food in the fridge, heat when it's cold and hot water to bathe in. I have gas in my car and clothes on my back. EVERYTHING that I NEED I have. 

I do not have much "blow money" and do live on a pretty tight budget. Even with my raise I am not in Perry's 5% of the richest people in the world but I am certainly not poor! I would love to be able to give my grandchildren a lot of the stuff they want but I can't because I don't have "extra" money. But I have to ask would giving in to all - or even just many - of their wants be good for them anyway? And my answer is "No." 

God IS faithful and He DOES pour out His blessings. Even though I don't have as much money as most people I know, I can say that I have enough money and enough stuff.  In addition to having enough money, my blessings include good health and grandchildren who are close by and contentment and joy and friends and just knowing how much God loves me.

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