Friday, September 17, 2010

After the Conference

I am so tired this morning. The opportunities to serve at the NewSpring Leadership Conference were amazing but exhausting. I think I realize my age more after I participate in something like this. I don't really like to focus on "I'm not as young as I once was" but that is a fact of life.

I talked to some great people who were blown away by the service they were getting from our volunteers. People were amazed not to have to get up to throw their trash away after lunch and dinner. They were in awe that great snacks were provided - as much as they wanted - between every session. One was surprised that we just gave him a new conference booklet after his wife misplaced hers (he thought he would have to buy it). They couldn't believe that cards we gave out at the end of the day were actually hand written.

All the follow-up twitter traffic I have seen has been VERY positive - best conference I have been to kind of positive. The speakers were awesome by everyone's account. I only got to listen to sporadic minutes here and there but what I heard was great.

I also got to see some people I know - a pastor from New Orleans, a female friend who is on the board of Fellowship of Christian Athletes and a guy on staff at FBC, Spartanburg. Plus I got to see the new set up for A Control, got a peak at the new Green Room, and arranged to get some training at the NewSpring, Greenville offices next week to do some volunteer work for Kevin and the production team.

In the days prior to the conference I got to go into the offices and laminate stuff and meet people I probably would not have met otherwise. I also saw the "creative" space where all the IT, web and video editing people work. Plus I got to speak to the one and only Perry Noble as he came in to say thank you to the volunteers who were putting packets together.

But what amazes me most is that God moved me from where I was to here. He had to do some serious tearing down to get me away from where I was. But since becoming submissive to His leadership, I have been blown away by all that He has allowed me to participate in. Our God is doing some AWESOME things in the lives of people and I get to see it and to help make it happen. That He would choose! Who am I that He should choose me to be on His team, to see and do all that I get to do? Every time I think about it, I get tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat.

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