Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What If God Says No

One of the issues Christ followers struggle with is the fact that God does not always answer our prayers the way we want Him to. Sometimes that is because of sin in our lives. Sometimes it is because God has a better plan that we will see later. Sometimes we just don't know why God says no.

Am I able to believe that God is who He says He is even when I don't get what I want? Am I able to believe I am who God says I am even when He says no?

Too many times I forget that God is NOT my personal servant to do my bidding. I am HIS servant. Servants do not question the Master's directives. Servants do not second guess motives. Servants obey.

God has made a lot of promises to His children and I firmly believe He never breaks a promise. But how He fulfills those promises is up to Him, not me. So sometimes He will tell me no - or at least not now - when I ask something of Him. Sometimes the fulfillment of His promises is not for my life or this generation. That does not mean God is slow or weak or unloving or distant or unconcerned. It doesn't mean He is cruel or mean. It just means He's smarter than me and I need to accept His answer, even a no.

Jesus asked His Father if redemption could come any other way than the cross. God said no! So Jesus went willingly, beaten and humiliated by men, to be tortured on the Roman cross. He didn't complain or whine or back out. He just did what He was told.

I, too, must have the mind of Christ, to serve God no matter what, even through the "no's".

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