Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Answer is Jesus

One of the things Pastor P says frequently is if you're in church the correct answer to questions is Jesus. He is being facetiously serious - if there is such a concept.

In Revelation 1:4-6 I see that played out. John is sending greetings to the Church. Jesus is, Jesus was and Jesus is to come. Jesus is the faithful witness. Jesus is the firstborn of the dead. Jesus is the ruler of kings on earth. Jesus loves us. Jesus freed us from our sin by His blood. Jesus made us a kingdom of priests.

Too many times I get caught up in all the stuff of life and forget that Jesus is the answer. He is to be my focus. "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness..."

One of the most heart searching things I was reminded of recently by a radio day I will stand before Almighty God to give an account of every word, every thought, every deed. My sins are paid for but my actions will be judged to see if they withstand the scrutiny of God's fire. All things that don't point to the kingdom of God will be burned up and only those things that DO point to the kingdom will remain. 

Am I living my life for the world and it's joys and pleasures, for the "applause" of man or for God's kingdom? Will I have anything that remains after all the useless, pointless stuff is burned away? When I am involved in relationships, vacations, family dinners, recreation, volunteering - all the stuff of life - am I building something that will last? Am I using those times, those relationships to pour Truth into lives? 

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, the Jew first and also the Greek. Romans 1:16 Lord God, help me to never, NEVER be ashamed - or fearful - to speak the name of Jesus because He is the ONLY answer for salvation.

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