Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Poor Among You

Before the Israelites entered the land of Canaan, God talked to them about the land. Every seven years was to be a year of Sabbath rest for the land...no sowing or reaping of harvests. If anything grew on its own it could be eaten but God promised to send such a boat load of crops in the 6th year that they would have enough to last until they could harvest in the 9th year. 

Farm management in this country didn't catch on to the rest cycle for a long time. God knew that the land would become depleted if it was over planted. The Sabbath rest was also a time to refocus on God and His provision.

The Year of Jubilee for the Israelites was instituted by God as a time every 50 years to set free those who had become poor and sold themselves as hired hands or if they sold land, for the land to be returned. And why was the land to be returned? Because it belongs to God.

How easy it is for me to forget that everything I have belongs to God. How selfish I get sometimes in wanting to keep stuff for myself rather than sharing what God has so abundantly given me. I live in one of the richest countries in the world and never want for anything. Food, clothes and shelter are givens for me and most people in America. But what about the poor, the homeless, the disadvantaged? Does God give me stuff just for me and my family, or does God give me stuff to be able to share with those who are really in need? And if not my stuff or my money, what about my time? How am I serving those who really can not help themselves?

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