Sunday, July 4, 2010

God Bless America

That phrase has become very trite over the years as people sing it on the 4th of July with hearts that are very far from God. And right now many people don't believe God is blessing our country because of the recession, the unemployment, the uncertainty of the future.

God HAS blessed this country over all the years of our existence. We have more stuff - including food and shelter than most countries in the world. So why is it that we are very rarely satisfied - content might be the biblical word - with what we have. We have an almost insatiable appetite for more. More cars, more TVs, more electronics, more money, more music, more clothes, more, more, more. There are many people who would be satisfied with one meal a day, nothing more, while we accumulate debt to buy stuff we don't need.

But on July 4, 2010 I do want to ask God sincerely to bless America - with revival. Turn our hearts, Lord, to You. Open our eyes to our pitiful condition, not because we don't have enough stuff, but because we are on the highway to destruction. A life lived without Jesus is an empty, pitiable life even if you have all the riches of the world. Luke 12:16-21

Happy 4th of July, America! I love this country! One of the greatest blessing God ever gave to me was allowing me to be born an American. I don't ever want to take that blessing for granted.

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