Friday, July 2, 2010

Nothing Worthless

A day or two ago I read a passage in Psalm 101 that I came back to this morning. The first half of verse 3 says "I will not set before my eyes anything that is worthless."

I've been thinking about how much worthless stuff I might be setting before my eyes. I don't watch a lot of TV anyway but I have wondered how much of what I do watch is worthless. Is it really worth spending my time just sitting in front of a TV - or a computer - just looking at stuff? Especially if I am just filling time.

And what about what I read. I read fiction for pleasure and relaxation but is there anything uplifting or beneficial in what I read?

One day I will stand before a holy God. Will what I have watched or read be acceptable to Him? The optimal word here is that God is HOLY! Much of what I watch or read is not. There may be murder and mayhem or sexual innuendo or disrespect for authority or language that I don't use. So does that make it worthless? I would have to say it probably does.

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