Friday, August 10, 2012

Next Steps

The sheep hear [the shepherd's] voice, and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. I [Jesus] am the good shepherd, I know my own and my own know me. My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. John 10:3,14,27

At NewSpring we talk a lot about next steps for our church as a body and for each individual person. Here in John 10, Jesus sets the stage for that.

In these verses the steps are hear, know, and follow.

Hearing Jesus brings conviction to my heart that I am a sinner, separated from God and in desperate need of the grace of God for salvation through Jesus Christ alone. Acts 4:12

Getting to know Jesus begins by reading my Bible, getting involved in a small group, and keeping a prayer journal.

Following Jesus begins by being baptized by immersion very soon after salvation, serving in my local church and and returning a tenth of my income to my local church.

The steps of hearing, knowing and following are repeated over and over through out my life as my relationship with Jesus grows and changes. There is always something new I need to hear or something old I need to hear again. There is always more to know about Jesus as I experience His work in my life. There is always another next step, whether small or large, in following Jesus.

I am so grateful that Jesus led me to NewSpring where I am always encouraged to take my next step.

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