Saturday, June 25, 2011

Did God Make Him That Way?

I read a post by worship leader in Nashville who was talking about his friend who is homosexual. The friend said I've always felt this way. The worship leader asked did God make him that way.

The issue of homosexuality is going to be THE next big thing the Church will have to deal with. Some denominations have already said it's okay to ordain ministers and elders who are practicing homosexuals (meaning they are actively involved in a sexual relationship) and will perform marriages between same sex partners in states where it is now legal. When the Bible speaks of marriage or marrying, it is always between a man and a woman, so marriage between same sex partners is never OK.

So, did God make him - and others - that way? I don't know and don't presume to have the answers. Some would say absolutely not. But God does not create just "perfect" people. Some are born mentally or physically challenged. Some are emotionally challenged. Why not sexually challenged?

I do know that God says unequivocally that "to lie with a man as a woman" is an abomination. Leviticus 18:22 I know that Paul calls homosexuality a sin - as is drunkenness, gluttony, adultery, murder, gossip, lying - but it is no worse that any other sin because ALL sin is an affront to a holy God. I also know that God says He makes a way out for every temptation that confronts us.

So what about the sexually challenged. I think that could include those like Tiger Woods and Arnold Schwarzenegger who claim to have a sexual addiction for women, not just those with same sex attractions. The thing is Jesus Christ can change all that. In fact I would go so far as to say that ONLY Jesus Christ can change those desires. My friend McKrae Game started a ministry to homosexuals after Jesus changed his life and rescued him from homosexuality.

A lot of people just don't want to change. They don't want to hear that there is healing. They don't want to admit they are a sinner in need of a Savior. They don't want to live a celibate life. Although I am heterosexual, I am single and because I follow Jesus Christ I maintain sexual purity. Jesus took me away from a VERY promiscuous lifestyle (addiction?) and I thank Him every day for that.

Anyone - heterosexual or homosexual - can maintain sexual purity by saying no, by denying themselves, grabbing hold of the way out of temptation, but without Jesus it is almost impossible . However, we are not animals that can not control our sexual urges or impulses. Many just don't want to. Even a long term relationship, without following God's principles for marriage and sexual purity, is a train wreck waiting to happen. If not in this life, then the next.

So our responsibility, as Christ followers, is not to separate ourselves from those who desperately need Jesus; not to point fingers and tell them how sinful they are, but to show the love and the grace that can be found in Jesus Christ alone. Jesus wants to rescue the hurting, the sick, the dying. The whole reason He came to earth was to die for ALL sinners, to be the sacrifice to cancel EVERY sin.

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