Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Strangers in the World

I often wonder why people - Christians - get upset and bent out of shape when the world doesn't agree with the Christian agenda. In the opening verse of 1 Peter, God's elect are called strangers in the world.  Jesus said those "in the world" would hate believers. John the apostle said we should not be surprised that the world hates us.

So if someone thinks I am weak (Christianity is just a crutch) or narrow minded (only one way to heaven & God) or a prude (no sex outside of marriage) or a bigot (homosexuality is a sin) or stupid for not trying to "gain the world" (he who dies with the most toys wins), why would I get angry at them? They are just LOST! Totally lost without Jesus. How can I engage them so they have a desire to see what Jesus is all about? How can I love them rather than call them names in return?

One of Perry's complaints about the Church is we're too often more about what we're against than what we are for. If we are vocally against everyone who hates us because of Jesus, how can we be salt and light in the world. Jesus even said we should rejoice at persecution. Now when was the last time THAT occurred in the public arena?

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