Friday, June 25, 2010

World Cup

This morning as I came to work I was listening to some reports about the World Cup. France and Italy, former winners, both lost in early rounds.

What was so amazing to me was the response from the home countries. The Minister of Sports in France got up in their Parliament or whatever it is called and spoke of the disgrace to the country and the damage to all the school children because their team did not fare well in a soccer tournament. A SOCCER TOURNAMENT!!

The French team did act badly and brought the loss on themselves by their refusal to practice. They found it necessary to sneak back into the country through a small, seldom used airport so they would not have to face the public or the reporters. The Sports Minister spoke of the loss of hope.

One guy who was interviewed spoke of the economic issues that had everyone depressed and now this - the depression just gets worse.

I guess it's true in America too that people let their identity and worth be tied into the success or failure of their favorite sports team whether college or professional. What a sad day for the French and the Italians and even for our world, that the hope of a country rides on the shoulders of a soccer team, or a baseball team, or any kind of team.
If our hope is in any person except the person of Jesus Christ, we are in a sad state indeed. People will always disappoint us but Jesus NEVER will.

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