Sunday, April 12, 2009

Christianity as Entertainment

I don't watch TV often so I get my news from Google news and other internet sources. As I was scrolling down the list of articles, I came to one on the celebration of Easter in Jerusalem - which was filed in the entertainment section!

I don't know why that makes me laugh because it is really so sad. The story of Jesus' death and resurrection and the people who celebrate it are classified as entertainment. A large portion of the world accepts ANY religion as honorable and worthy of respect - except those who follow Christ. Maybe it's because we have let "religion" distort our message. Maybe it's because we talk too much about what we are against and not enough about what we are for. Maybe it's because Jesus doesn't fit the model of what people expect in a Savior.

Of course He didn't fit the model in His own day either. That's why the religious people killed Him. I'm so glad I'm not part of a religion. My Savior asks me to have a personal relationship with Him. Yes, He died 2000 years ago but guess what?! The tomb is empty. Jesus did rise from the dead - conquering death for all time. Jesus did pay the penalty for my sins. Jesus does sit at the right hand of God in Heaven interceding for me. Jesus will welcome me home one day to live forever with Him.

He did it all! My acceptance by God is not about me and what I do for God. (Thank goodness, because I screw up all the time.) But about what Jesus did for me.

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