Sunday, January 31, 2010

Snow Day

Well, it really wasn't a snow day - more like an ice day! The grandchildren were here on Friday night and so excited about getting snow.  It was supposed to start around 6 pm but when I finally got them in bed about 10, we had nary a drop of anything.

I woke up around 3 to the sound of rain and sleet. By the time the kids got up about 8:00 we had 2 inches of ice on the ground. Not good for snowballs or snow men but certainly good for sledding. Not that I had any sleds at my house but that did not deter us.

Bella got a shallow rectangular bin and Nate got cardboard. They had hours of fun...until we got too wet and cold to stay out any longer. And by then it was lunch time any way. So back to the house to get dry and warm. Then back out again later to do it all over again. The children were here until 4:00. When they left I was exhausted.

But it was that good kind of exhausted when you know that you have created memories. I actually took some video of the kids sledding and let Nate open a YouTube account so he could post it to his facebook page. There wasn't much on the ground but because it was all ice, it made for some fast going!

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