Monday, August 17, 2009

Preach the Word

As I have been reading through Ezekiel, over and over God tells Ezekiel to say to the people, "This is what the Sovereign Lord says."

That's one of the things I like so much about Perry. Although he is not a prophet in the sense that he will tell people about things that will take place in the future, he is a prophet in the sense that he speaks the words of God that are placed in his heart by the Sovereign Lord. Those words get their start in the Bible as Perry reads and studies and prays.

God has given us His word. I can read it for myself and get revelation from God, but Perry has a special calling from God to speak His words into the life of countless people. It sometimes amazes me that I can read a passage over and over and then Perry can preach on it and it opens up to me in a whole new way.

I am so grateful that Perry seeks God's wisdom for his messages and not the wisdom of other men. I know he reads books and talks to his friends/pastors but ultimately he preaches what God says, he preaches the Bible.

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