Monday, January 12, 2009

Sometimes I Forget

I've been reading in Exodus about Moses leading the Israelites through the wilderness.  So far it's only been a couple of months since they left Egypt.  Moses keeps reminding them of the power of God that led them out of Egypt.  They crossed the Red Sea on dry ground and watched the Egyptian pursuers drown.  God has provided water out of a rock.  He has provided quail every morning and bread from heaven every night.  But before He provides each miracle, the people of Israel grumble and complain and either wish they were dead or back in Egypt as slaves.

I read this and think how can they possibly forget what God has done for them.  Then I realize that I too forget what God has done for me. 

He pulled me from the pit of hell years ago when I asked Jesus into my heart.  So why do I doubt He will keep me safe?

He forgave all my sins.  So why do I confess the "old" ones over and over?

He has provided for me financially.  So why do I doubt He will meet my needs when I encounter a financial crunch?

He has continually brought new people into my life.  So why do I doubt myself when a relationship ends?

He has provided work when I had none.  So why do I doubt He will care for my future?

He has comforted me in times of sorrow.  So why do I think a season of grief will not end?

My short-sightedness is no different from that of the Israelites.  Too often I forget that God alone can be trusted to do all He says He will do!

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