Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Who Is My Savior

We have just inaugurated a new president for this great country of ours. I am always amazed and thankful that we have such an easy transition of guns in the streets, no war, no death for the new man to come into office. One of the things that always bothers me, though, is that many people seem to think that the new president, and I think especially Mr. Obama, will save us from all the ills that plague us...the bad economy, the cost of health care, the war in Iraq, the unrest in Israel, the nuclear holocaust that Korea would initiate, global warming, etc.

I read yesterday that Mr. Obama's approval rating is at 83% and a majority of people believe he will be able to accomplish all 10 of his campaign promises. Even if he is able to accomplish all that he promised, he still is not our savior.

The Bible tells me only Jesus Christ (Acts4:10-12) is the one who can save me. If I put my faith in anyone or anything else - the President, my money, my job, my home, my friends, I will be disappointed! And not just disappointed in THIS life but for all eternity because this life is just the beginning.

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