Monday, July 27, 2009


Seems there was a pretty strong storm last night. I heard it begin to rain around 11 PM, I guess, but I never knew we had a storm during the night. I really didn't hear any thunder or wind or see any lightening during the night but I did see the top of a tree lying in my yard this morning when I left for work so I knew something had happened during the night.

Several friends have asked how could you sleep through that?! I don't know. I'm not usually a very hard/deep sleeper - well at one time I wasn't. Maybe that was a long time ago when I had a child at home and I needed to be mom in the middle of the night. Even now I hear Bella when she gets up when she spends the night on the weekends. Maybe I'm just really tired when she leaves and kinda pass out!

I'm not one to worry much about storms. I guess if I knew a tornado was coming down my street I'd go hide in the gully behind the house but most of the time I don't even expect storms. Since I no longer watch TV and get my news from Google, I don't know much about the weather in my neighborhood.

Maybe it's better NOT to know the storm is coming. Just like in life...if I knew I was going get sick or have an accident or something was going to happen to my family, I might spend too much time worrying about things that I might not have any control over.

There are things I can do to prepare but those things should happen regularly whether a storm is expected or not. Like saving for emergency expenses or a job layoff. Like getting checked over by the doctor on a regular schedule. Like changing the oil in my car to keep it running longer. I can prepare but stuff still happens; storms still come. I just don't worry about them.

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